Monday, 7 September 2015

What are some amazing facts about Google India and Microsoft?

There are few people who haven’t heard of Google. But here are some interesting facts about Google, the most popular search engine, that you may not know yet.

1. Go to Google homepage and type the words “I want to commit suicide”. Above all the search results, Google provides the Suicide Helpline number of your country.

2. A young girl wrote to Google to give her father a day off as it was his birthday. This is what Google sent back in reply. Now, that is something. (Source -Facebook)

3. Go to Google Maps. Click on the satellite view and zoom out as much as possible. You can see an amazing view of earth with real time shadows. You can see real time clouds if you zoom in twice. Pretty amazing, right?

4. Google has a pet T-rex, named Stan, which lives at their California headquarters. Founders bought it to remind the employees to not let Google go extinct.


5. Search “atari breakout” in Google Images and you can play the game. Try it now.


6. Google has been acquiring, on average, more than one company per week since 2010. Source–List of mergers and acquisitions by Google


7. Go to Google Mars. You can see a map of Mars. Cool !


8. Type any number in the search bar and Google will spell it out for you.


9. Google’s home page has 28 validation errors and five warnings. Check it out here: Google Validation


10. Should a U.S. Google employee pass away while under the employ of the 14-year old search giant, their surviving spouse or domestic partner will receive a check for 50% of their salary every year for the next decade. Source- Page on


11. Google HQ rents goats from California Grazing to mow their lawns and fields. The employees think that it’s a lot cuter to watch goats do the mowing than lawn mowers. Mowing with Goats


12. Google is a wedding planner. Yes, you heard it right. Plan your special day with Google Wedding.


13. Google Sky Maps allows you to view stars, constellations, galaxies and planets. Check out Google Sky.

Microsoft Facts
Despite ever-increasing Mac sales, Microsoft still has an undisputed dominance over the computer industry.

With such a vast presence, much has already been written about Microsoft: Its history, its products, even its former CEO Bill Gates. For those itching to know even more, we've dug up 10 snippets of info that you might not have heard before.

What experimental musician created the Windows start-up sound? How do they celebrate anniversaries? Does Microsoft have a "pest" problem? Have a read of our Microsoft-themed facts, stats and trivia and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

1. "Micro-soft's" First Ever Mention
The first ever mention of "Microsoft" was in a letter from Bill Gates to co-founder Paul Allen in 1975. Gates initially wrote the company name as Micro-soft, which made sense considering it's a portmanteau of "microcomputer" and "software."

Losing the hyphen, "Microsoft" was officially registered as a company in November, 1976 in New Mexico where Gates and Allen were working with their first major customer, MITS. Microsoft didn't move to its current campus in Redmond, Washington until 1986.

The Microsoft logo has changed several times over the years, the current "Pac-Man" logo was introduced in 1987, but previous to that was the "blibbet" logo that's pictured above. The "blibbet" refers to the stylized "o" and was apparently once the name of a burger served in the Microsoft company cafeteria.

2. Brian Eno Composed "The Microsoft Sound"
Pioneering musician Brian Eno was the musical brains behind Window 95's start up tune, dubbed "The Microsoft Sound."

The influential musician, who has worked with the likes of David Bowie and U2, told the San Francisco Chronicle that making such a short piece of music was "funny" and "amazing." Eno likened the process to "making a tiny little jewel."

Other musical trivia from the launch of Windows 95 is, of course, the use of The Rolling Stones "Start Me Up" in the ad campaign, while a related Eno fact is that he also composed the music for the computer game Spore.

3. Microsoft's Fave Food Is Pizza

Although not quite at Google's level of snack-tastic, free-for-all wonder, Microsoft does offer free drinks. Over 23 million gratis beverages are downed on the corporate campus each year.

Apparently the top two drinks of choice for Microsoft staffers are milk and OJ. There's also free candy on the Microsoft campus shuttle.

As far as food goes, Microsoft has around 35 cafeterias (one of which is pictured above) serving around 37,000 people each day. Pizza tops the list of most popular meal.

4. Microsoft Uses Codenames

Ever since the company's first operating system, Microsoft has worked on its projects under codenames, of which Wikipedia has a long list. Apparently Gates was ready to launch Windows under the name "Interface Manager" before he was persuaded to change it by an employee.

Past codenames include "Longhorn," "Lone Star," and "Vienna." While you might be tempted to add "Mojave," to that list, it's actually part of a Microsoft ad campaign. The "Mojave Experiment" was a marketing exercise that battled Vista's poor PR by presenting the software to new users as a fresh product.

5. The Average "Softie"
The average Microsoft employee, or "Softie" as they call themselves, is a 38-year-old male with the average salary for a developer coming in at $106,000.

Microsoft currently employs 88,180 people who work across 32,404,796 square feet of Microsoft's premises, over 50,000 of which are U.S.-based. The male to female ratio is very high among Microsoft's American employees with a staggering 76% male workforce.

6. Microsoft Celebrates Anniversaries With M&Ms

All companies have their little in-house traditions, and Microsoft is no exception. It seems it's customary for Softies to celebrate their yearly employment anniversaries with candy, and more specifically, M&Ms.

Each anniversary, a Microsoft employee is expected to provide one pound of M&Ms for every year they've worked. That means if Bill Gates observed the tradition, he should have turned up with 33 pounds of M&Ms on June 27, 2008.

7. Microsoft's Stock Has Split Nine Times

Microsoft has split its stock nines times since it went public back in March 1986. Put very, very simply, a company will generally split its stock when its share price becomes too high.

Since Microsoft has had six 2-for-1 splits and three 3-for-1 splits, one original Microsoft share would now be equal to 288 shares today. Interestingly the price of Microsoft's stock at its initial public offering was $21 a share, at the time of writing a share is now around the $23 mark. One original MSFT share would now be worth over $6,000.

8. Microsoft Has a Huge Art Collection

No, we're not talking about Clip Art. Microsoft is one of the largest corporate collectors of artworks with over 5,000 contemporary pieces including painting, sculpture, works on paper, photographs, ceramics, studio glass, and multimedia works. Microsoft gathers arts from local artists, up-and-coming artists and big names such as Cindy Sherman, Chuck Close and Takashi Murakami.

A large proportion of the works are on display at more than 150 of Microsoft's many campuses, as the company subscribes to the belief that art in the workplace reduces stress, increases productivity and encourages discussions and expression of opinions.

9. Microsoft Asks Strange Interview Questions

Microsoft has a reputation in the industry for asking off-beat, off-the-wall questions during its job interview. The most oft-quoted question is: "Why is a manhole cover round?" Whether this particular example is genuine, or an urban legend, it's certainly true that Microsoft employs a very unusual, and forward-thinking interview process. It's even rumored that companies like Google have since emulated the style.

Rather than plain "Where do you see yourself in five years" type questions, Microsoft is more likely to ask you to solve a logic puzzle or think through a problem like "Design a coffee maker that will be used by astronauts." Obviously, Microsoft isn't planning to go into the coffee-in-space industry anytime soon, but the process serves to find candidates that can think creatively.

10. Microsoft Holds Over 10,000 Patents

Microsoft holds over 10,000 patents and files around 3,000 every year, ranking as one of the top five patent owners in the U.S.

Although a large majority of the patents relate to obscure elements of software, the 5,000th and 10,000th were consumer-friendly, easily-understandable ideas. The 5,000th was for tech in Xbox 360 games that lets people "watch" a video game remotely, while the 10,000th was for the Microsoft Surface, linking real-life objects with data and images.

Microsoft also rewards its staff members for securing a new patent. Besides a $1,500 bonus, they get a wooden plaque and a decorative black "cube" that features their name, as well as the title and date of the patent.

BONUS: The Microsoft Campus is Full of Bunnies!

Our very own Jolie O'Dell found a great factoid about the Microsoft Corporate Campus, she gleaned while on a recent visit.

"So, back in the mists of time, some people dumped a bunch of rapidly reproducing pet bunnies — leftovers from kids' Easter gifts — on a grassy knoll near the MSFT campus," Jolie said. "The bunnies started doing what bunnies do best, that is, making more bunnies.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Top Computer Science and Communication Engineering Journal

Impact Factor 5.837, Top Journal in Engineering and Science, Citation Google Scholar, DOI (CrossRef USA) for each paper, IC Value 5.075

Call for Papers
International Journal
Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC)
Volume 3 Issue 9 September 2015
Published by: Research Department, Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Scientific Journal Impact Factor 5.837 IC Value 5.075 Citation in Google Scholar
Each paper is assigned DOI [Digital Object Identifier] USA from January 2015 issue

Tags : impact factor, topjournals, computersciencejournals, bestonlinejournals, topscientificjournals, topjournals, how to publish your first article

 We are pleased to inform you that IJRITCC is about to launch its next issue Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2015. The journal covers all areas of Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Engineering and all engineering applications. We are publishing original research, review articles and technical notes in our journal. We would like to invite Faculty / PG Students/ Research Scholars to contribute their research papers to IJRITCC.
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Published By: Research Department, Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.